Lizzie Webb, often known as "Mad Lizzie", presented daily exercise routines on British morning television channel TV-am. She was introduced onto the channel's flagship show Good Morning Britain in response to the popularity of exercise teacher Diana Moran ("the Green Goddess") on the rival BBC One show Breakfast Time. She created many videos, such as Pop Dance with Lizzie, Shake-out with Lizzie and many more. In her time she has produced many videos (8 exercise, 1 dance) and 8 books. Her first video was The Body Programme with Lizzie Webb and her last was Pop Dance with Lizzie!!!
However Lizzie's most successful venture was of course Joggy Bear. The popular kids TV show from the late '80s to early '90s.
Lizzie Webb's first fitness video released on VHS by MSD Video, topped the UK video charts in 1987.
Lizzie was married to Andrew Webb, but after a 9 year marriage they divorced.
Webb has since appeared on ITV's That Antony Cotton Show.